Employee of the Week: Carol Cox
Posted on 03/18/2022
Employee of the Week

Meet Carol Cox in her own words:

I, Carol Cox, am a Family Life teacher in Pittsylvania County Schools.  Before teaching, I was a registered nurse and worked many years as a nurse before continuing my education and receiving a BS degree in Health Sciences from ODU.  I began teaching Family Life 21 years ago and have never enjoyed anything more.  My favorite part about teaching is that I get to follow the same students for 7 years.  It is  an awesome experience to watch students grow and change over that time.  I also get to work in every school in the county and get to know all the administrators, administrative staff, and many wonderful teachers who have supported me throughout the years.  What a rewarding experience it has been.

When I am not teaching, I enjoy visiting my children and grandchildren who live all over the country.  My oldest son lives in Alexandria, VA, my daughter lives in Springfield, Illinois, and my youngest son lives in Beaverton, Oregon.  My husband and I enjoy church activities, spending time with friends, exercising at the YMCA, and watching lots of college sports on TV.

It is indeed a pleasure to be a part of the PCS community.