Employee of the Week: Shelly Logsdon
Posted on 10/06/2023

EOW Logsdon

Employee of the Week - Shelly Logsdon 
October 9-13, 2023

Union Hall Elementary School is pleased to announce that Mrs. Shelly Logsdon, librarian, has been selected as Employee of the Week. Mrs. Logsdon is an asset to our school. She works tirelessly to instill a love of reading in our students. With her passion for learning and exploring new topics, our students grow and excel under her guidance. Library lessons include a variety of exciting and engaging activities. When she is not involved in library lessons, Mrs. Logsdon spends time remediating students in reading or mentoring. Her kindness and cheerful approach inspires others.

Mrs. Logsdon is a native of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. She graduated from Lock Haven University and the University of Alaska. Prior to being an employee of Pittsylvania County, she taught Library Science (K-12) in Wasilla, Alaska for twenty-five years. She and her husband, Mark, have three college age children. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, gardening, traveling and spending time with family.  Congratulations to Mrs. Logsdon!